Often organizations get more and more certificates, declarations and authorizations. Let’s start with an Approved Training Organizations (ATO) that is providing flight training with aircraft and has a Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) that takes care of the maintenance. Normally, there is only one Accountable Manager but with two separated safety policies. What does it mean? Where are the risks and the shared risks? How often the perform a Safety Review Board? May be they have two Compliance Monitoring System? May be this organization is legal, but is it safe?
Often organizations get more and more certificates, declarations and authorizations. Let’s start with an Approved Training Organizations (ATO) that is providing flight training with aircraft and has a Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) that takes care of the maintenance. Normally, there is only one Accountable Manager but with two separated safety policies. What does it mean? Where are the risks and the shared risks? How often the perform a Safety Review Board? May be they have two Compliance Monitoring System? May be this organization is legal, but is it safe?
Which are the cons and pros?
If you do not have a single Management System, the organization will not be able through a single policy to manage safety and compliance issues, with the risk of creating expensive silos among certifications and departments

If you have a single Management System, the organization will be able through a single policy to manage safety and compliance issues.
Organizations are not design to produce safety and compliance, unless an effective Management System is embedded into their systems.
The last but not least, you have a double system of processes which often do not match.
I if you have a single Accountable Manager, is far much efficient to have a singleManagement System to run operations, having:
1. A single safety policy (which embrace operations and maintenance requirements), and
2. A single Compliance Monitoring System.
3. A single policy for documentation control, and
4. A single point to declare to which standards you are guarantying compliance with.
5. A single point to declare the complexity of your organization
6. Single point for safety reporting
7. Single point for management review
8. Single point for Management System Training (initial, recurrent and continuation MS training)
8. Processes for organizations that store and perform refueling (process that often is somewhere uncontrolled on the shelf);
9. Single point to establish a policy, processes and procedures for aircraft leasing.
Should you have further question on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us, drop and email to sms@mycs.swiss.
Source: FOCA