Why Continuous Safety

Excellence in Safety & Compliance Monitoring 

is a firm that helps leading operators and rising stars (like you) operate with greater safety, in compliance, and efficiency.

CS provides excellence in safety and in compliance monitoring to the Aviation Sector.

MYCS shares its competence by means of customized, effective and efficient training, which correspond to the size of the organisation and the nature and complexity of its activities, as well as any other specific operational requirement.

è un’azienda che aiuta i principali operatori e le stelle nascenti (come te) a operare con maggiore sicurezza operativa (safety), conformità ed efficienza.

MYCS fornisce l’eccellenza nella sicurezza operativa (safety) e nel monitoraggio della conformità al settore dell’aviazione.

MYCS condivide la propria competenza attraverso una formazione personalizzata, efficace ed efficiente, che corrisponde alle dimensioni dell’organizzazione e alla natura e complessità delle sue attività, nonché a qualsiasi altra specifica esigenza operativa.

🇬🇧 When an audit is useful?

We hate surprises. Our audits are always delivered with full attention, aimed at validating safety best practices, while verifying compliance with applicable regulations, as well as the way hazards and risks are effectively managed; enabling decision-makers to then best allocate resources.

🇮🇹  Quando è utile un audit?

Detestiamo le sorprese. I nostri audit sono sempre condotti con la massima attenzione e mirano a convalidare le migliori pratiche di sicurezza, verificando la conformità alle normative vigenti, nonché il modo in cui i pericoli e i rischi sono gestiti efficacemente, consentendo ai responsabili delle decisioni di allocare al meglio le risorse.

🇬🇧 Our passion: drive your success!

🇮🇹  La nostra passione: guidarvi al successo!

ICAO/EASA Compliance Monitoring & Competence-Based Training for:

  • ATOs,
  • AOCs,
  • CAMOs,,
  • AMOs,
  • Aerodrome Operators,
  • Military,
  • Civil Aviation Authorities, &
  • Universities.

We cover both, fixed-wing and rotor-wing fleets and their integration into s single Organization’s Management Manual (OMM).

We also prepare both in English and in Italian, effective:

  • Operations Manuals (OM) for AOC, SPO and NCC operators,
  • CAME for CAMOs,
  • MOE for AMOs,
  • Aerodrome Manual,
  • and other procedure manuals as requested.
We think that the Compliance Monitoring is a business function that creates value for our customers.

As per in Compliance Monitoring, we love safety, the integration of an effective Safety Management Systems (SMS) as per ICAO/EASA requirements for:

  • ATOs,
  • AOCs,
  • CAMOs,,
  • AMOs,
  • Aerodrome Operators,
  • Military,
  • Civil Aviation Authorities.

We teach Accountable Manager on how profit from the integration of their fixed-wing and rotor-wing fleet operations into a single  Management System, guaranteeing:

  1. Safe,
  2. Legal,
  3. Effective,
  4. Efficient, &
  5. Sustainable operations.
Safe operations are assets which boost your reputation.
Safety brings optimization of resources and improve bottom-line results.

As we are an IS-BAO accredited auditor since 2009, we have an extensive experience in auditing Business Aviation and General Aviation operators in 4 continents.

Our accreditation includes:

  • Operations Management (OP),
  • Fixed Wing Operations (FW),
  • Rotor Wing Operations (RW),
  • Maintenance Management (MX),
  • Stage 3 SMS (S), and
  • Special Regulatory Qualification (SRQ).

IS-BAO is recognized by the ICAO’s Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) (the global strategy for the continuous improvement of aviation safety).

The purpose of the GASP is to continually reduce fatalities, and the risk of fatalities, by guiding the development of a harmonized aviation safety strategy. Source: icao.int/safety/GASP

Every day, more Aviation Competent Authorities are accepting IS-BAO.

🇬🇧 We are proud to have successfully contributed to the success the following organizations: 

🇮🇹 Siamo orgogliosi di aver contribuito al successo delle seguenti aziende:

Abu Dhabi Aviation (ADA), UAE

ENI Servizi Aerei SpA, Italy

VW Air Service GmbH, Germany

Sirio SpA, Italy

Sirio Executive srl, Italy

Helisirio srl, Italy

Cargolux-Italia SpA, Italy

Emirates Ltd, UAE

Dubai Airwing Ltd, UAE

Qatar Airways Ltd, Qatar

 Valser srl, Italy

CAT Aviation AG, Switzerland

Blue Panorama SpA, Italy

SW Cargo Airlines SpA, Italy

Ernest Spa, Italy

Alidaunia srl, Italy

Air Corporate srl, Italy

Northwest Service srl, Italy

Swiss Flight Services SA, Switzerland

Prada SpA, Italy

Eurofly Service SpA, Italy

Elifrulia SpA, Italy

Eliossola srl, Italy

Eurotech srl, Italy

Elitelina srl, Italy

Albinati SA, Switzerland

Air Valser srl, Italy

Avionord srl, Italy

Airgreen srl, Italy

Pellisier Helicopter, Italy

Schweizerische Rettungsflugwacht (Rega), Switzerland

Helops srl, Italy

European Air Crane srl, Italy

FTC Business Jet Management, Switzerland

Aliscargo SpA, , Italy

Esperia Aviation SpA

Star Work Sky, Italy

Sirio SpA ATO, Italy

Leonardo Training Academy/CAE Rotorsim srl, Italy

Ansett Aviation Italy SpA, Italy

Blue Panorama Airlines ATO, Italy

Alidaunia Training srl, Italy

Piaggio Aero Training SpA, Italy

NW Service ATO srl, Italy

Air Corporate ATO srl, Italy

Northwest Service srl, Italy

Air Vergiate ATO srl, Italy

Inaer SpA ATO, Italy

Aeroclub di Milano, Italy

Aeroclub di Como, Italy

Aeroclub di Reggio Emilia, Italy

Aeroclub di Brescia, Italy

Elifrulia srl, Italy

Pellissier Helicopter srl, Italy

GMH Helicopter srl, Italy

Valar srl, Italy

Airgreen ATO, Italy

European Air Crane ATO, Italy

Sunrise Aviation ATO, Italy

Fuerza Aerea Colombiana, Colombia

Policia Nacional, Colombia

Ejercito Nacional, Colombia

Esperia Aviation SpA ATO, CAMO & Parte 145

Aeroclub di Roma, Italy

Softhill srl, Italy

Kktofly, Italy

Aeroporti di Roma SpA, Italy

SEA Aeroporti Milanesi SpA, Italy

Sagat Torino SpA, Italy

Save SpA, Italy

Aeroporto di Genova SpA, Italy

Toscana Aeroporti SpA, Italy

Aeroporto di Bologna Guglielmo Marconi SpA, Italy

TAG Bologna srl, Italy

Aeroporto di Ancona, Italy

Aeroporto di Pescara, Italy

Aeroporto della Val di Aosta, Italy

Dnata Ltd, UAE

Kuwait Airport & DGAC, Kuwait

Dubai Airport Operator & DGAC, UAE

Sacbo SpA, Italy

Here you can find all the information about our company, our products and premium-class services and training. Recommendation letters issued by our clients are available upon request.

Qui potete trovare tutte le informazioni sulla nostra azienda, sui nostri prodotti, sui servizi e sulla formazione di alto livello. Le lettere di raccomandazione dei nostri clienti sono disponibili su richiesta.

Our Learning Management System (LMS)

Continuous Safety delivers standard Regulatory Compliance and Safety (SMS) Training using the following approaches:

  1. In a classroom (at your premises),
  2. Hybrid (part delivered online or viceversa, instructor-led), or
  3. Full e-Learning through our LMS.

All training can be customized and includes an open book, competence-based proficiency test.

After the successful completion of the test, the system delivers via e-mail, the certificate of attendance to the student.

The new LMS: cmm.guru - To have access to the training courses suite, membership is required.

Continuous Safety eroga i propri corsi di formazione standard sul monitoraggio della conformità e sulla safety (SMS) utilizzando i seguenti approcci:

  • In aula (presso la vostra sede),
  • ibrido (parte erogata online o viceversa, con istruttore), oppure
  • e-learning completo attraverso la ns. piattaforma LMS.

Tutti i corsi possono essere personalizzati e comprendono un test di competenza a libro aperto.

Una volta completato con successo il test, il sistema rilascia allo studente un certificato di partecipazione via e-mail.

La nuovissima LMS: cmm.guru - La piattaforma eroga esperienze formative molto facili e utili per l'indistria.

Are you looking for an audit, a training or and advise, just let us know. We have flexible plans, starting from CHF 99.- per hour. Membership also starts from CHF 99 per month, per delegate. Group offers are also available.

Instructor’s led training services starts from CHF 1’650, per delegate. Already customers get a further -10% discount.

We will be delighted providing you with the solution that fits best for you.

Se state cercando un audit, una formazione o una consulenza, fatecelo sapere. Abbiamo piani flessibili, a partire da CHF 99.- all’ora. Anche l’iscrizione parte da CHF 99.- al mese, per delegato. Sono disponibili anche offerte per gruppi.

I servizi di formazione con istruttore partono da CHF 1’650, per delegato. Per i già clienti è previsto un ulteriore sconto del -10%.

Saremo lieti di fornirvi la soluzione più adatta a voi.

You can give us a call:

+41 79 287 80 99

You can just send us an e-mail:


IS-BAO Audits

Continuous Safety delivers IS-BAO registration audits since 2009. https://ibac.org/is-bao

Launched in 2002, the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO™) was developed by the business aviation community and is designed to promote use of high quality operating practices by:

• Establishing a framework for effective safety and operational processes

• Providing tools to facilitate the implementation of best practices

• Delivering a Safety Management System (SMS) appropriate to all operational profiles

As the globally recognized voluntary safety standard, IS-BAO helps operators apply industry best practices by challenging them to review and compare their safety-related policies, processes and procedures, and then make improvements, elevating them to the worldwide standard for business aviation.

Similar to an ISO-9000 standard of practice, IS-BAO is specifically formulated for business aviation and accepted worldwide as the benchmark for safety and efficiency in business aircraft operations. Hundreds of operators on all continents around the world have adopted IS-BAO as the definitive standard for flight operations.

IS-BAO Operators

IS-BAO Auditors

Already an IS-BAO Registered Operator?LOG-IN

Purchase the IS-BAO Standard Document Suite PURCHASE

Continuous Safety offre audit di registrazione IS-BAO dal 2009. https://ibac.org/is-bao

Lanciato nel 2002, l’International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO™) è stato sviluppato dalla comunità dell’aviazione d’affari ed è stato concepito per promuovere l’uso di pratiche operative di alta qualità attraverso:

– stabilendo un quadro di riferimento per processi operativi e di sicurezza efficaci

– fornendo strumenti per facilitare l’implementazione delle migliori pratiche

– fornendo un sistema di gestione della sicurezza (SMS) adeguato a tutti i profili operativi.

In quanto standard volontario di sicurezza riconosciuto a livello mondiale, l’IS-BAO aiuta gli operatori ad applicare le migliori pratiche del settore, sfidandoli a rivedere e confrontare le proprie politiche, processi e procedure in materia di sicurezza e ad apportare miglioramenti, elevandoli a standard mondiale per l’aviazione d’affari.

Simile a uno standard di pratica ISO-9000, l’IS-BAO è specificamente formulato per l’aviazione d’affari e accettato in tutto il mondo come punto di riferimento per la sicurezza e l’efficienza delle operazioni degli aeromobili d’affari. Centinaia di operatori in tutti i continenti del mondo hanno adottato l’IS-BAO come standard definitivo per le operazioni di volo.

Operatori IS-BAO

Auditor IS-BAO

Sei già un operatore registrato IS-BAO? – ACCEDI

Acquista la suite di documenti standard IS-BAO – ACQUISTA

In case you refer a friend about our activities, MYCS will send you a gadget. Thanks for your trust!

Se segnalate a un amico le nostre attività, MYCS vi invierà un gadget. Grazie per la fiducia!